Water Damage/Plumbing Claims

Understanding Plumbing Leak Claims
Plumbing leaks are among the top 10 insurance claims. These leaks include:
Frozen Pipe Burst & Ice Dams
Drain Pipe Leaks
Water Pipe Leaks, pipe breaks, burst pipes
Toilet Overflows
Tub Overflows
Water Heater Leaks
A/C Condensing Line Leak
Leaky Appliances
Remember that even the smallest leak can cause mold and other significant personal property damage. Hiring a professional to handle this claim can make the difference between a minimal or adequate settlement to repair your damage due to coverage complications and the public adjusters ability to help manage costly dry-out charges.
Water damage from plumbing leaks seldom makes the headlines, but the damages can and often are catastrophic. Our firm has been involved in many claims over the years where the entire inside of buildings and homes have been destroyed due to water leaks, many of which are sudden, with others that may occur over time due to absent property owners. If you have any questions regarding a water loss claim, please contact Corbitt Public Adjusting, LLC.